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soembarrassed , 08 Aug 2012

Ruining my face

I am 40 almost 41 and for the last 3 years have been destroying my face. Any little bump i pick at until I am left with an open wound. These wounds used to heal fairly quickly now they take months. They start to heal and I CANT STAND THE SCAB OR FLAKES OF SKIN so of course I pick at those. I really need to stop this as now I am starting to get scars, which then I pick at thinking if I can get that little raised uneven skin picked off then problem solved - no more scar. That is not the case. You then have an open wound all over again that starts healing with scar and all. I cant tell you how many times I have called in to work with one excuse or another as I am too embarrassed to be seen. I have even gone to lunch and picked and called in some "family emergency" that I have to go take care of as not to return. I cant stand the feeling that there is a spot light on every little mark. I constantly watch people's eyes to see if they are looking at my marks. This is so ruining my life. I never want to go anywhere. Cancel plans all the time. My friends tell me I am being parinoid that you cant even tell there are marks on my face. Who do they think they are kidding? I have mirrors (which I look in at least 100 times a day) I can see them, so I know they can. I really dont know why I started doing this. The best I can figure is when I started seeing this guy and felt that I HAVE to have perfect skin or he would not be interested. I know this not to be the case as scabby marks or not he always wants to do something with me. I cant tell you how many times I have backed out of plans with him just so he wouldnt see the mess of my face. I am at a lost on what to do. How to stop. How to heal. I really dont want to spend the remainder of my life with band aids on my face at night trying in vane to heal the mess I have created. Any tricks you all have on healing these nasty marks, or stopping the urge to pick would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.
289 Answers
September 07, 2012

In reply to by skreed29

I have tried that. I am so bad I swear i look a million times a day just to check if it is more visibal or in high hopes it is gone. Then i swear when i am talking to it they are staring at it. I know i just have to get over it. I did this to myself so i need to learn to live with it.
September 11, 2012
Hey Soembarassed....I was just wondering---its been about 2 weeks since I initially put all these terrible open wounds on my face, and I THOUGHT that it was getting better, until I completely took the calamine lotion off. I wish they had a make-up that similiar to calamine, thick and able to cover all of these marks....anyways- just curious- did the calamine ALSO help fade the pink fleshy type scars, that are left, when the scab falls off??? I look terrible, and I picked TWO MORE marks below the left side of my lip. They look really purplish and bruised--- where the scabs have fallen off, and the skin is left looking really pink, make-up doesnt stay on those spots well at all- and im just hoping that if I continue to use the calamine today and tomorrow, that by Thursday I MAY see some differences in the scarring??? Do you think im even giving it enough time? The two really big marks on the lower portions of my face, by my chin, on the left and right sides-- they are still scabbed over. Its been 2 weeks- how long did it take for all of your really major marks to go away, or atleast fade, for the most part??? Im just freaking out again, and so sick of looking at my face, when it has no calamine, and no make-up on it, and seeing NOTHING but big, pink fleshy marks all over it. This is absolutely disgusting. I really am considering not goign to work AGAIN this weekend, although I know if I do that, I wont have a job anymore. I already pulled that shit last weekend, because of MY FACE,....I lied and said that I WAS sick. If you can, please share your experience with me, on HOW LONG it took for all the stuff to go away or fade, and if I should continue to use the calamine lotion- or if I should switch to cleansing, and doctoring it with neosporin, to further try and speed up the healing process, and the scabs coming off.
September 11, 2012

In reply to by MaD_ScARs_1031

The calamine is helping fade the mark. It really helped my spots dry up and heal. Unfortunetly they healed but i was left with a slight pink mark. My last picking left me with an uneven indented scar. Right now I am using a scar cream to try and even out the area. I would continue to use the calamine as it does help. I also put a light layer on under my makeup to help conceal the spots when they were really red. This actually helped better than concealor. Hope this helps.
September 12, 2012 picking. However I have a question. I have been putting scar cream and bio oil on one of my scars. Little bits of skin are flaking off. Is this good? Does it mean the skin is regenerating and the scar is fading? I really cant tell if it looks better as it is all I can see and I think it looks hideous! What do you all think? Good or bad?
September 16, 2012 picking for a month! I still hate the way my skin looks!!!
September 17, 2012

In reply to by soembarrassed

Hi! I am sorry that you are still unhappy with your skin - but you are doing an incredible job of not picking!!! Good for you!!! :) Have you tried the Neutrogena Rapid Clear All-In-One Scrub and cream? I started using them recently and have had great results! Just wanted to suggest these items to you. Take care. :)
September 17, 2012

In reply to by soembarrassed

Soembarrased, It will take longer then a month to get your skin back to a point that your happy with, but Im sure its looking alot better than a month ago. Its going to take time, there is no cream or lotion or speical treament that will fix these problems over night, Its just going to take time, give it the time it needs, your doing great :)
September 17, 2012
I've had the same skin picking disorder, it used to be much worse I still do need help but! I have to recomment retin-a or tretinoin cream. I'm using .025% tretinoin which is the same as the .025% retin-a cream (I've used both) they work miracles, healing, acne, sundamage, EVERYTHING I've. Been using it for 2 months and so far everything is fading, scars from picking too! I still pick at blackheads I have, but I'm getting better. This really is miracle cream, it does wonders.
September 22, 2012

In reply to by idontknowimbeautiful

I am currently using tretinoin cream. I have been using it for a week. My skin now has about 10 little bumps which i hope go away fast before i pick them to death. Very tempting they are but as they are very tiny i have been resisting!! I have gone 30+ days with no major picking ... Which means picking that has not lead to open sores just little picking here and there.
September 18, 2012
soembarrassed, dont give up ! its hard to see drastic progress when you look at yourself and notice the subtle changes everyday.. maybe you should start taking pictures of your face, like twice a week so you can objectively see how you have healed. even if you arent happy with your skin yet, you are always healing as long as you dont pick.
September 19, 2012
I am wearing a bandaid or two tonight after I opened up a crater in the dead middle of my face. I thought I was on an upswing too, and was avoiding the pitfalls that usually trigger me to pick. I don't know what caused me to rip open this scab today, but it hurt so badly when I finally got to the point where there was bleeding and i just broke down crying from pain inside and out. I slathered it with neosporin and put a bandaid over it to hide it from my fingers and my self confidence. I will be freaking out all day at work tomorrow thinking that's all people will see of me. Fall down one thousand times, get up one thousand and one....
September 19, 2012

In reply to by orana

You are right all we can do is continue to pick ourselves up and move on. Hang in there! Dont worry abt work...easier said then done...i stressing abt it only makes you feel worse.
September 19, 2012

In reply to by soembarrassed

Thank you for the means more than you think. At least when i feel like it's rock bottom for me - I know others on here have been in the same place, same feelings. I recently found a psychologist in my area who works with CSP - very fortunate as I know not all are familiar with it. I need to get up the courage to go and face it officially
September 19, 2012

In reply to by orana

The after effect of picking is what gets to me as you have picked and weeks later are still dealing with the remains even though you have no longer picked.
September 21, 2012
First of all, i send u my love and well wishes, you are a beautiful soul and realizing that will allow you to accept your physical image because your physical being is not where the value is, look at yourself with eyes of love and eternal acceptance. Compliment yourself on your inner qualities, like... " I'm so blessed to be a person of integrity... Or o what a great friend I am!" forgive yourself and anyone else who has hurt you. Let go of the beliefs you have taken on (from society, or your parents or wherever in your life) that do not serve you well. Realign your values with eternal conscienceness,,,,,, Breathe into life the wholeness of yourself, and vision your inner beautiful soul over taking your physical looks and acknowledge that the power of creation exists inside of us all and with the willpower and belief behind it, you can create ANYTHING! ........... So some advice on healing open wounds, scars or scabs I find that EGG WHITES!! WORK THE BEST"........................... You can leave it on as long as u want and even layer more on top of the layer before it after it dries! .................. Also consider doing a face peel like pineapple or papaya enzyme very 3 days to keep the dead skin off of your face. And when the sores start to heal, vitamin e oil or fresh aloe Vera plant. Wash with natural sugar in your face wash (with salycylic acid) it will help exfoliate and soften skin!!!!!!!!!!............. When u start to analyse your skin, STOP! Do something to startle yourself, like clap loudly or splash cold water on ur face. Say NO! I'm perfectly made and I will not give into negative actions against myself!!........... Also check out Hungarian wellness mud. It's great stuff too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...... Always moisturize your skin and use a retinoil cream to help maintain clear skin! And sunscreen is vital! I wish u success!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In honor of the light inside of us all from the same source, May peace engulf your soul, msmelissa
September 22, 2012
I wish i would get to a point where i am happy and comfortable with my skin. I am not happy wearing makeup it just feels gross...and i am even more uncomfortable not wearing makeup...ugh.
September 22, 2012

In reply to by soembarrassed

Hi Soembarrassed, Just take things one day at a time, every time you resist the urge to pick, you're one step closer. I know how you feel. I wish I could get to a point where I could just spend a few minutes on my makeup in the morning...not an hour just trying to conceal my sores/scars. Hang in there!
September 22, 2012

In reply to by soembarrassed

Hi Soembarrassed, Just take things one day at a time, every time you resist the urge to pick, you're one step closer. I know how you feel. I wish I could get to a point where I could just spend a few minutes on my makeup in the morning...not an hour just trying to conceal my sores/scars. Hang in there!
September 23, 2012

In reply to by goal orientated

I hope so!!! I would love to be able to get up on any given day and not have to spend an hour+ trying to get my makeup just right!! My goals: 1. Continue no picking 2. Even out skin tone 3. Fade scars 4. No makeup or very minimal makeup

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