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Hello everyone, I'd like to start out and say how awesome it is that there are forums like this where we can hear each others stories and encourage each other's wellness. I'm 24, been picking since I was thirteen. It's been a long, frustrating road for me and only a couple years ago I admitted to myself that this disease was a lot more than "mind over matter". I used to pick my arms, chest, neck and face (this was when I was doing dance throughout middle school and highschool and my acne was at an all time high). Somehow I grew out of compulsively picking everything but my face and I just could never seem to kick the habit. I have opened up to my mom, boyfriend and best friend about it but you can't truely understand unless you've been through it. Most recently I had gone my longest time without picking (two months), but relapsed this week. It has been hard to get back on track after feeling this defeated. I just want to say to anyone reading that WE CAN DO THIS. We aren't meant to live our lives hiding in shame. I have achieved an acomplishment by going that long, and I know I can end this for good. No matter where you are in this disease we can all relate and I believe it can and will get better!
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