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I've been lurking on the site for a while now and finally decided to join. I can't take the pain and embarrassment anymore! Just got done squeezing and digging at what was probably a nonexistent acne cyst on my face. I know I need to stop doing this. The deep scars are embarrassing and I can't deal with another skin infection. Now I'm just icing my forehead down. Not much else i can do. Any tips on how to stop. I'm too embarrassed to tell the doctor I'm creating these infections myself. But I'm also tired of hiding. It's been a year from hell trying to hide this disorder. I need to stop!!
Just a quick update. Finished my meds and the spot was still there. Messed with it twice since then. Think my original assumption of a cyst was correct. Had been using the ointment still. Got home from work friday and decided to use my son's ance cleaning pad on the area. Seemed like it helped. I was wrong! Used it again a little later too. Thought it was drying it up. It was but it also burned the crap out of my chin and made the whole area crack and bleed. Used more antibiotic oinment on it but that seemed to make it worse. Each time I've gone to the dr they keep telling me to use the ointment so i have. Wrong! Finally realized my chin was burned and started using eczema moisturizer with oatmeal in it. Tried icinig it but the cold made it burn more. Had bought some acne bandaids...pretty much just small round blister bandaids. Used those only for a couple of hours. I also switched to just regular bactricin zinc ointment with no burning. Anytime it felt dry i put the lotion or bactricin on it. Overnight this thing healed more than it has over the last few weeks! Think i just kept burning it with the perscription ointment. It felt so raw and dry! Also wondering if it kept clogging my pores too. Think this is finally the end of this mess on my chin. Left the house this morning with no make up on it
Oh no! I was so hoping it was much better.
I think you should go to a dermatologist and see if in fact it is a cyst. A cyst will be in a pocket of its own and many times needs to be fully removed.
The acne covers are basically a product called DuoDerm. I use them a lot. They can be purchased in larger patches...and I cut them for what I need.
The drying up doesnt mean underneath is healing if it's a self-filling cyst. I would suggest to not dry the top area as for the infection or contents to continue to drain.
Do you have a dermatologist or accessibility to be referred?
Maybe using a mild cleanser such as cetaphil and a mild light lotion or light antibiotic around the wound is best. No hot water, no scrubbing.
Keep me updated!
Oh forgot to ask...what prescription ointment do you have, and in what base?
It's the bactroban. The area is healing up very nicely now! Only used some regular bactricin zinc on it this morning and the aveeno eczema lotion with oatmeal it it. Looking loads better. Think in the next couple of days it will be completely healed. There's no more infection or anything. Just a burn now from using that acne stuff
Should it take a turn for the worse, investigate further diagnosis.
Hope you have a great healing week!
Oh i will. Just leaving it be for now. No lotion or ointment. Letting my skin do it's job. Nothing i can do will make it magically disappear. Hands off definitely!
I can relate to the wishing it would magically disappear hope. ;-)
So i messed with the area a little more. Didn't do too much damage then left it alone. No cream or anything on it. Today there's just a little scabby area left. Hasn't looked this great in weeks. Just leaving it be. Did pop another massive deep pimple. Not too much damage. Swelling all gone around that it's just sore from pressing not squeezing. Did managed a little burn around it from putting too warm of warm compress on it but it's all drained. Just leaving it be like the other one and it's healing up real nice. Had to pop it. The pressure of it was making my eye water. Much better now. Just a little burn. Maybe this is the last of these stupid things!
.did anything come out?
In reply to .did anything come out? q by snipzie
And are the others in the same area?
Yes. Just a little tho. The other area is on my forehead. Swelling and pain gone and nice and scabby now. The scab on my chin is flaking off little by little. Only one little scabby spot left. Just putting moisturizer on it now. Forehead area is scabby but no infection. Put a little antibiotic ointment on it just to be sure. Just leaving it be to heal. Hopefully looking much better by this weekend. Just have a spot that looks like a rug burn. Not a super dark scab or anything.
All sounds much better. Hope it continues!
Woke up this morning with an almost completely healed forehead. The scab is almost skin colored. My chin is looking much better too. I had used warm moist heat on it the other night and probably burned it slightly. I got some burn gel to use yesterday and today both areas look way better. Hoping the scab on my forehead falls off in the next day or so. My chin will be scabby for a while longer but it doesn't look like a huge indented area anymore! Busy weekend but I'll try to keep updated
In reply to Woke up this morning with an by somuchpain
Hi! I have been picking at my acne lately which is really bad...especially since I'm on accutane. But i was just wondering what helps heals yours best. just leaving it dry? moisturizer at all times with antibiotic gel? and also do you get scars from "digging" and picking? i was so concerned with my acne before i didnt notice my scars as much but now that the acne has faded a lot i can see i have tons of hyper pigmentation :(
If it looks or feels infected then definitely some type of antibiotic ointment. I've found it's best to just leave an area be without putting anything on it. A light moisturizer should be ok. But being a picker i try to repair everything with any kind of ointment or cream i can. Antifungal cream helps to dry it out but picking at dry skin doesn't help. Calamine lotion helps to hide the damage so i can't see it to pick but can dry it out too much m witch hazel is good but only a couple of times a day. I tend to over use anything if i think it works. I've noticed that if when i focus on one area the others don't seem nearly as bad. I do get scars but i didn't notice then them until this past year. I think it's because I've been closely examining my face more and the lighting in my bathroom. I would say just be gentle and mousturize twice a day. Maybe antibiotic a couple of times a day if needed. But only if needed. I'm tired of trying different things and leaving everything alone with nothing on it has helped a lot. Your skin can repair itself without much help. Just stay hydrated too! I'm amazed at how great my skin can look and feel after drinking a bunch of water like i should
My face is looking much better today. Only a couple of small scabs and dry skin. Just moisturizing now. No more infections finally. Sundays are generally my worst days. Did a couple of rounds of calamine lotion and started to try to repair my skin quickly but stopped. Taking my own advice and leaving everything alone. Drank a glass of probiotic juice with lots of vitamin C and now downing water. A few more days and think my skin will be all healed. Almost squeezed a few little spots but walked out of the bathroom. Have stayed busy cleaning house and soon have to go to my daughters practice. Trying to leave as little time to pick as i can!
Hi....awesome news!
I think it would be helpful to share the problems with picking with a therapist/psychologist/psychiatrist. It may seem embarrassing to you but think of it this way: they are doctors, they have seen and heard some crazy weird shit, way worse than what happened to you. These doctors go through years of school and training so they can help people like us. It's worth a try asking for help from a professional.
I would like to but unfortunately my insurance sucks. I'm a single mom with two kids and money is very tight. I've been doing better lately. I know i need to at least see a dermatologist. However that will have to wait. I'm almost completely healed up at this point. I don't think I'll be popping any more pimples. Keeping my skin moisturized too. Hands off from now on. Would rather have a big huge pimple that is contained in itself than a huge gaping wound with infection spreading! Feeling much better about myself too so that helps!
In reply to I would like to but by somuchpain
Hi, girl. I totally understand. Unfortunately in today's day and age quality and affordable healthcare is a luxury. Thank goodness for this site. Days when I feel like picking, I will go on this forum to post/read/respond and feel so much better afterwards. So much positivity and support here. Stay strong! :) :) :)