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abackas , 13 Aug 2009

I'm a woman and I pick my breasts! Does anyone else?

Hi there. I've been a fairly serious skin picker ever since I was about 13. I'm now 42. Also saw the A&E Obsessed show and could totally relate. I pick pretty much anywhere and everywhere on my body but my 2 MAIN areas are my face and MY BOOBS! It's just awful! Do any other women have this problem? It's so sad because it really is a beautiful part of a woman's body and here I obsessively destroy it. Anyway, I just discovered this site and forum. It's great. Hope to chat more.
218 Answers
October 11, 2012
I do this as well. I have one horribly embarrassing memory of this. I was about 14, and my mom had walked into the bathroom as I was getting the shower and she saw my breasts after I had picked at them. She didn't realize that I had done this to myself, either because she was simply oblivious to my habits at the time or because she refused to accept the picking habits I had formed over the past few years. She insisted that we go to the doctor because she thought I had some sort of skin infection or rash. I refused, knowing that it was none other than inflamed skin I had caused from obsessively picking. One day after picking me up from school she took me to the clinic anyway and I remember throwing a fit and crying in the car because I did not want to go inside and face the doctor. I'm not sure what she thought of the whole thing, because I could only see it from my adolescent perspective, and she has only become aware of my problem in the the last year or so, as far as I can tell. I was so ashamed to take my shirt off in front of the doctor, and as kind as she was, saying it was probably just irritation from the material in my bra or sweat or some bullshit explanation, I don't know why she didn't just come right out and say it, because it MUST have been obvious right? I would have been even more mortified, but perhaps things would have turned out differently. Now here I am, more than six years later, fighting my mind to stop these habits. I'm just thankful for all of you here who I can relate to. I wish I could be of more help to the others on here, but I have nothing to give except my own account of this disorder and encouragement. Thanks for admitting to this, because I probably wouldn't have shared this story otherwise.
October 13, 2012
Hiya, only this morning i've come across this site after Googling, In all honesty I am so relieved that I am not alone at picking. Its been over a year now since I started picking at my breasts, it mostly started a month or befor having my daughter, and I keep thinking that maybe by me picking my breasts i wasn't able to breast feed my baby. I know i should go and see my doctor about this but i'm too ashamed and embarrased. My partner knows that I do this and he tries to help me fight the urge to pick, but like some of you I always pick with out fail before I have a bath. In truth it is starting to take over my life. I'm a big women and my self-esteem is touching the floor as it is and i know by doing this i'm ruining the one part of my body I was proud of. I thought that when my partner found out that I was picking that he would leave as once I finished i would get upset by what i done but he says he loves me no matter what. I just need help to fight the urge before i ruin my body completly.
November 06, 2012
I have this problem....I just started a few months ago. I do it to my chest. I get close to a lamp or light, take a pair of tweezers and just go over each breast looking for hair folicles. Not even hair folicles, the white stuff inside each one where a hair would be. The stuff that protects your body from infections. I have little scabs here and there on each breast, I am trying so hard not to do it though anymore. I think its a control issue. I am a recovering addict, couples years now and I have a little girl now. So I know deep down I CAN'T go back to that lifestyle ever again and thats okay with me. However, I am learning, even after years, to cope with things that I normally would have done drugs with or called a man for company..yadda yadda. Its comforting...but the end result isn't. So, I think with intense one-on-one chatting with a professional and digging deep (no pun intended) to get at the core of all my issues, this will fade away on its own. What do you all think?
November 07, 2012
Oh my god I can't believe how many comments this forum has! I just found this site because I was googling ways to treat this OCD habit & I hope this place helps me... Since I was about 13, I was picking my breats. Then I stopped in '05 when I visited my grandma for a few weeks & she made me. I got back & started up again, I guess soon after. It's progressed over the years to be all over my legs, my arms have had it since my legs, & then my groin & below my belly button. It's extremely embarassing... I'm now 21, my ex & my current bf have tried helping me stop, & it got so bad that in April, when I first met up with my bf, I gave him some (I got them infected & had a Staph infection). I had to go to the doctor & get pills to treat the infection, & so did he. Thankfully he wasn't too mad & he forgave me, especially since I hadn't known I was infected. I wish I could've stayed on the meds though, because they seemed to put a coating over the scabs, pimples & scars. I know it hurts, even during picking, but I can't fuckin stop! My bf says once we (eventually) move in together, within the next 5 months, he's going to really push me & help me stop. But I have it in my mind that I'm still not going to... I'm scared, I cry about this a lot, I hate how I look, I don't like showing my skin... & I just can't stop... I feel helpless... & I wish I could just go get plastic surgery & cover it all up... But uninsured, & afraid of surgery as is, I know I couldn't anyway... I really hope this forum helps others, & maybe even my own story, because trust me, it's hard to break this habit... & I should know... Almost 10 years, 100's of scars later, maybe unseen to others, but to my loved ones & best friends, & obviously myself, I can attest to this being an addiction... & I'M a cosmetology student... :'/
November 10, 2012
Ok, well my first day wasn't too successful. Twice I picked today... So tomorrow I'm going to be pick free, even if it kills me, dammit!
November 15, 2012
i can't believe it has taken me 5 years to even realize that what i have is an actual disorder and not just acne. i started picking my face and then moved on to the shoulders, back, breasts, legs and bum. i'm 19 now and it's not as bad as it used to be, i've pretty much got my shoulders, back and legs back to normal and my bum's getting there but my breasts still bug me. i find that the worst time is in the shower when the skin is soft and i can see them. i get pretty down about it but it's so difficult to stop, whenever i stop for a substantial amount of time and see improvement i always end up going back. its just annoying cause i would love to get more intimate with guys but i'm so paranoid that the only time this seems to happen is when i'm drunk and it's dark. hearing all of your stories has inspired me to try and stop as i don't want to be doing all of this in 10 years time (no offence to any of you long time sufferers)
November 15, 2012
i can't believe it has taken me 5 years to even realize that what i have is an actual disorder and not just acne. i started picking my face and then moved on to the shoulders, back, breasts, legs and bum. i'm 19 now and it's not as bad as it used to be, i've pretty much got my shoulders, back and legs back to normal and my bum's getting there but my breasts still bug me. i find that the worst time is in the shower when the skin is soft and i can see them. i get pretty down about it but it's so difficult to stop, whenever i stop for a substantial amount of time and see improvement i always end up going back. its just annoying cause i would love to get more intimate with guys but i'm so paranoid that the only time this seems to happen is when i'm drunk and it's dark. hearing all of your stories has inspired me to try and stop as i don't want to be doing all of this in 10 years time (no offence to any of you long time sufferers)
June 11, 2013

In reply to by walllaura

I CAN TOTALLY RELATE!! I haven't had sex in over 2 years, besides this one time a few months ago where I was hammered and kept my shirt on :/ it's really embarrassing.. I don't want anyone to see my shoulders/chest and all the scars from where I've picked. the worst though is not being able to wear tank tops or a bikini :( it's almost summer now and I want to look hot!!
November 19, 2012
its crazy so many have this problem!i thought i was boobs are nasty and i cant even let anyone see them.i am 19,i am incredibly hot too!!, and practicly dont have sex with my boyfriends anymore.i am too embarrassed to show them.since i dont have sex anymore, i am losing my friends and i am not socialy accepted as much. i cant stop this habbit for nothing!!! i need help!!! i need boyfriends!!!! why must boys need to have sex to be friends with me.does anyone else have this problem????
March 14, 2013

In reply to by helpme100

girl I'm sorry to say this to you, but if those guys need to have sex with you to be your friends then they're not friends, they're just taking advantage of your body!!! I'm a girl and I've always had more male friends than female, and if anything I find that sex weakens the friendship, not the opposite! Unless they're like your fuck buddys, I don't understand why would you have to go to bed with them to be their friend :S
January 19, 2013
Oh my God I pick the exact areas on my body as well. I am going through it so bad my boobs hurt and having open gaping sores and scabs all over them. I am scared but I honestly just can't stop. Help!
January 19, 2013
I have the exact same problem. :( I can't stop picking! My breasts are covered in scabs, which often get infected and sore. I always try to have sex with a shirt on so my husband won't see when I've gone on a picking spree. I don't have any ideas on how to stop. I pick at my neck during class, because my hair will cover the marks. I even unbutton my shirt at work and pick at my breasts in my office. I pick while I watch tv, when I'm in the shower, on the toilet, and when I'm trying to fall asleep. I pick at my scalp, shoulders, breasts, back, neck and arms really badly. I've been picking since I was 12, but it got substantially worse when I was 18 (I'm 23 now) I don't know how to stop. Especially since I buy expensive makeup to help cover it up. My husband is disappointed that I can't stop. I want to stop, but it is sooooo satisfying to pick. When I'm in a situation where I can't pick I get really agitated. Oh well. I've seen psychologists about it, but they can't do anything for me. I'm even on citalopram which is supposed to help with OCD problems, but it hasn't helped me at all. Best of luck to everyone.
January 22, 2013
I got breast reduction surgery when i was 16, because i had so many scabs i picked at them so badly that i had chunks of skin missing. I almost gave myself merca (spelling?) i was sared no one would ever like me because my breasts were so ugly and horribly scarred. I completely destroyed my skin and kept picking both breasts till they were almost covered. I ha to sleep with band aids on so my shirts wouldnt get bloody. Id hate myself for it too but it would feel so good to pick. Ive since gotten control and they are completely healed but ivr left horrible scarring. Its quite humiliating and i dont talk about it much but im thankful im not alone and u can conquer it!
January 24, 2013
Hi, I was so glad to see your blog. I just started on this site and I have been picking my breasts also. I pick at my arms and legs for the past 10 years. I just started picking my breasts a couple of months ago. These tiny red spots starting appearing. I only get itchy at night. I take atarax for itching but it has never helped. Does your boobs get itchy? I take valium for chronic anxiety but I still pick. I guess I'm not much help but knowing I'm not alone makes me feel better. Skin doctors haven't helped they just say in disgust to go to my Psychiatrist! Oh well, I'm going to pray for an answer for both of us. Take care!
January 29, 2013
Hello I am new to this forum, have been picking my breasts and other areas for a long time now. I can relate a lot to everyone's posts and it does feel good to know I'm not alone.
February 01, 2013
YES. Me too. My most picked places over my lifespan has been my shoulders and my boobs. I always try my best to stay away from anything that a v-neck shirt might see, but I have some scars. It's just that they're right THERE. And I can't NOT see them. And it's just really easy to pick at. I had an ex who was very understanding and told me he didn't want to see me hurting myself, and if I took too long in the bathroom he'd come looking for me, or get me out. But I'm single now, and it's always a place I go back to. I worry I'll ruin one of my best assets! LOL, but I can't help it!
March 13, 2013
Tomato's! Honestly rub a tomato all over yourself and leave on for 15 minutes. Wash with warm water. This has helped me a ton when I pick. I have been an obsessive picker for over 10 years now. This is what really helps me. Also when you wash your body, wash it with cold water or with a cold cloth (sponge dont wipe) to close your pores. This will help lessen the amount to pick at. Hope this helps!

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