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xminstrelsx , 06 Feb 2011

Let's see if I can go the whole (rest!) of February! Join me if you want! :)

Ok. Starting tomorrow, I am going to try and go the rest of February without picking the skin around my nails. I'll post daily updates too so I can keep on top of things and see my progress. Anybody who wants to join me is welcome!
97 Answers
February 07, 2011
DAY 1) oh my gosh this is hard but I have managed to go the whole day without picking. Seriously difficult though to the point where I actually had to sit on my hands this morning in a lecture! I have resorted to writing the words "day 1" on my hand very discretely (bad spelling I know) so I can have a reminder staring at me all day. Tonight I'm going to wear hand moisteriser under gloves to soften my skin, so there won't be any of those tempting flaky bits. Hard struggle, but so far so good!!
February 08, 2011
Day 2) pretty much the same as yesterday although I've had waaaay more close calls today. the moisterising helped although there are a few flaky bits of skin that are really tempting. proud of myself though :)
February 09, 2011
Day 3) Things are looking up! I've been quite busy all day today so I havn't had a chance to think about picking which is a great help! I've taken to balling my hands into fists whenever the urge to pick strikes. Also sqeezing my hands together helps in a weird way.
February 10, 2011
dear david,im am a ten year old boy with this ebaresed to go out in public.ive been picking for 3 years.will it grow would really help if someone could answer these questions.but it feels good though i really need help
February 10, 2011
Day 4) Was going quite well today, urge wasnt so strong. I had kind of a crappy evening at work though, mostly due to a bitchy nasty customer, so I was a bit stressed/upset for a while. usually when I feel like this I start picking,which I did a small bit, but I managed to stop myself before any damage was done. Amazing how one's confidence can be shattered in just a few seconds................hopefully day 5 will be better.
February 11, 2011
Day 5) I think my brain is trying to deny the fact that I'm trying to stop picking. LOTS of close calls today. I think its mostly down to the fact that lots of cuts/hangnails have been healing over the past 5 days. While this is good, its also really REALLY hard because I have loads of teeny scabs that are just soooooo tempting to pick off!! I'm hanging in there though!
February 13, 2011
Day 6) dam you scabs being soooooo tempting!!! just hurry up and heal!!
February 13, 2011
Day 7) Yay!!!! I'm after going a whole week without picking! still a long way to go but I'm very very proud of myself!
February 14, 2011
Day 8) OK, it's the start of a new week. Cuticles are refusing to absorb the moisteriser that i slather onto them under cotton gloves every night. This is really not helpful! I havn't picked them, just been kind of stroking them. Sounds weird I know but it gives me a weird feeling of satisfaction....
February 16, 2011
Day 9 & 10) scabs dropping off finally!! dry cuticles are the big problem now..
February 17, 2011
Day 11) Cuticles getting more moist and less tempting yay!! apparently it takes 30 days to break a habit so I have to try and go 19 more days..........*braces self*

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